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A deep dive into what makes us who we are:

Identity is a term that encapsulates a wide range of characteristics that come together to shape what we believe best represents who we are. These characteristics can range between voice, location, family history, nature vs. nurture, socio-economic status, race, gender, sexuality, age, language, etc.


So, how do we define identity?

Well, across a multitude of renowned platforms, identity was simplified as a way of contrasting our differences with an overall liking toward the idea of originality. 


What is originality?

Originality can be defined as the ability to think as an independent being and outside of the bounds of our basic understanding of creativity. It's all about being new, fresh, and unlike anyone else. How can originality be obtained? Is originality obtainable in this day in age? The idea of originality plays into the term of remixing. Remixing is the slight alteration of an idea, tangible object, sonic recording, etc. 


How does this tie into music?

I found that music has a completely different definition when it comes to identity. The intersectionality of music and identity is connected as a form of expression. As much as one's age, sexuality, socioeconomic status, etc. helps us define who we are as an individuals, music can be another extension of such. The types of music we enjoy, differentiated by genres, can represent a certain idea, personality, or lifestyle from one genre to the next.


In the realm of music, identity is found within connectedness, not differences. This is one of the main opposing forces to what I believe differentiates one's musical identity and one's overall identity. Genres of music are technically meant to classify styles into areas for the ease of finding/ organizing music. This, in itself, is the art of separation, a means of living which society loves to instill.


Yet, within the separation of genres, we find communities of similar likes, morals, ethics, lifestyles, moods, visions, thoughts, desires, appeals, dislikes, etc. A genre’s identity holds much depth to it, bringing forth certain topics and characteristics in its wake. Yet, when we dive even deeper into what constitutes a genre, we are met with individual artists, bands, or collaborators who each redefine their given "genre" to fit their own standards. Within these standards, we find individual identities that hold a message, an intention, or a meaning.

Vinyl Records

Defining Musical Identity

Identity is the amalgamation of experiences, thoughts, societal impressions, generational impositions, financial, racial, political, and many other factors which combine and form an idea of one’s identity. Identity is limitless, including a plethora of outlets and forms that aid in others and yourself coming to a deeper understanding of the human experience and the individuality/ the possibility of obtaining originality. Yet originality is found in the endlessly different combinations of it all.


Genre is commonly understood as a category for artistic composition grouped together on the basis of similar style, form, tone, or message. As stated previously, genre is designed to section off musical styles into select categories for the ease of understanding differences and similarities. For example, artists such as Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and Harry Styles are renowned pop artists who have made a name for themselves within the style of music they choose to create, produce, and distribute.


Yet, intersectionality still exists within the music industry. This being that genres such as pop or indie are not rigidly fixed in shape or style. Artists who are commonly known for producing a certain genre of music are able to cross over into "new" genres of music as we now acknowledge this as fusing together different styles, tones, and deliveries. We now have many subgenres such as pop-rock, indie-folk, and alternative-rap. 


Explore below to learn more!

Pop Lead Singer


Pop music is commonly identified as containing the most "popular" music in the music industry at any given time. It is an overarching term that umbrellas just about any genre out there. "Pop" artists range from artists such as Harry Styles or Post Malone. 
Pop music includes a few stylistic requirements in order to be considered pop. The music itself should be catchy, danceable, and have simple notations.

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